April 21, 2021
Title Search and Terra Firma Title Review
Good morning everyone. A few weeks ago, I presented to approximately 700 realtors from the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver on two topics, one being the importance of a title search, and the realtor obligations regarding same. Not going to lie, this was done to not only alert realtors as...
Read MoreDecember 23, 2020
2020 Holiday Poem Spagnuolo LLP
2020 Holiday Poem from Spagnuolo LLP For years I have written a holiday poem, summarizing the year’s events. A couple of years ago we turned it into a video, and last year we did a Spags sing-along! I am sure you remember them well LOL. With COVID, working from home and a crazy busy...
Read MoreNovember 18, 2020
Land Owner Transparency Act
November 18, 2020 Re: Land Owner Transparency Act Good morning, You are about to hear a lot more about the Land Owner Transparency Act (“LOTA”) and the Land Owner Transparency Register (“LOTR”) between now and Dec. 1, 2020. LOTR is a registry of interests in land...
Read MoreMarch 23, 2020
Covid-19 and Conveyancing
Re: COVID-19 and Conveyancing So here is where we are at: Our email and phones are blowing off the hook; unless you are a top referral partner, we do not have time to answer your “quick question”; keep watching for emails like this, or our Facebook page for future updates; We still...
Read MoreMarch 20, 2020
Office Locations
*MARCH 20, 2020 – ALERT UPDATE FROM TONY SPAGNUOLO* Many of our offices are satellite offices, in a shared office environment in which, as the name implies, we share with others. The hours are set by the owner of the business, and we do not have access apart from regular business hours. Some...
Read MoreMarch 19, 2020
Signing Documents Before Closing Date
Alert update from Tony Spagnuolo We are receiving many phone calls and emails from clients wishing to sign early. Totally understand, and we are doing our best to make this happen. However we generally work in order of closing date. Files closing in the next week or two generally are ready...
Read MoreMarch 18, 2020
Covid-19 Update Spagnuolo Lawyers
Re: COVID-19 and Conveyancing So here is where we are at: Our email and phones are blowing off the hook; unless you are a top referral partner, we do not have time to answer your “quick question”; keep watching for emails like this, or our Facebook page for future updates; We still...
Read MoreJanuary 14, 2020
Basic Info for Residential Real Estate
Goods and Services Tax – when and how much? G.S.T. applies to new or substantially renovated housing – Substantially renovated is defined in the legislation as the removal or replacement of most of the house construction components except for the foundation, external walls, interior...
Read MoreOctober 1, 2019
Spagnuolo Lawyers Videos
For those of you watching our videos, thank you. We now have almost 25,000 views on YouTube and our Facebook page. No doubt I will soon start receiving royalty cheques, become a social influencer, and move to LA! Our most popular one remains: How to Read a Title Search...
Read MoreJuly 3, 2019
Stigmatized Property Video
The latest video in our “What You Need to Know in 90 Seconds” is now live. This one is on Stigmatized Properties, and while I spoke quick, it is a large topic for 90 seconds. Watch it at https://youtu.be/dTeo2OELoME and let me know what you...
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