According to a 2020 survey, only 50% of British Columbians have a signed, legally valid, and up-to-date will.
We believe having a Will is extremely important for without a Will your assets may not go to those you want them to go to, and if you have young children, the guardian may not be the person you would have chosen.
A Will is one of the estate planning documents we recommend clients have in place, but we also recommend Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements.
Without a Power of Attorney, your financial and legal matters may be difficult to manage if you are unable to do so, whether that be due to physical or mental incapacity or you simply being out of town.
Without a Representation Agreement, health care and personal care decisions may be difficult to decide if you are unable to do so on your own behalf.
By developing a plan, then you decide who manages your affairs, who becomes the guardian of your children and what happens to your assets.
While having a will, power of attorney and a representation agreement are important, they do not eliminate the need for probate, with the associated probate fees.
Probate fees are essentially 1.4%, so on an estate worth $1,000,000, probate fees alone are approximately $14,000, plus legal fees and a lengthy court process.
Our estate lawyers provide estate planning advice for our clients with respect to Wills, Powers of Attorney, Representation Agreements, and ways to reduce or eliminate probate fees.
Our estate lawyers also provide legal services relating to applications for grants of probate or administration and other areas of estate planning.
You have worked hard to secure your financial position. Let us help you protect it and ensure your wishes are respected if the unexpected happens.
It is simple and easy, just call us at 604-527-4242, or email at, or start your file online by clicking on “Start a new file” to fill out the Wills Information form.